3.1 Creating a Kafka Instance

This section details creating a Kafka instance, Kafka topics, and connecting our application to stream data in a video form!

Due to Developer Sandbox limitations with support for Kafka, this will only work with a full dedicated OpenShift cluster.


Now that we have the model working on pictures, let’s get this working with streaming data.

A Kafka instance in OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka includes a Kafka cluster, bootstrap server, and the configurations needed to connect to producer and consumer services. We’ll be creating:

  • Kafka Instance - record your Bootstrap server

  • Service Account - record your Client ID and Client Secret

  • Topics - record the names

    • images

    • objects

    • notebook-test

OpenShift Kafka Operator

We’ll be creating this Kafka instance and related resources within our project, using the Kafka AMQ Streams Operator. The Kafka AMQ Streams Operator is a Kubernetes Operator that manages Kafka instances deployed to OpenShift. To install the Kafka AMQ Streams Operator, head to the Administrator, then select OperatorsOperators Hub and search for Kafka to see the AMQ Streams Operator. Click Install to install the Kafka AMQ Streams Operator.

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Create a Kafka Instance

  • Let’s create our a Kafka instance. In the Developer perspective, select +AddAll Services and search for Kafka to create a new Kafka instance.

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  • Enter a unique Name for the Kafka instance, such as object-detection, and click Create instance.

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Create Topics

After you create a Kafka instance, you can create two Kafka topics to start producing and consuming messages in your services. From the Developer perspective, select +AddAll Services and search for Kafka Topic to create a new Kafka topic. Repeat this process for these two topics.

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  • Create the images topic.

    • Topic name: images

    • Partitions: 1

    • Replicas: 3 (default)

  • Create the objects topic.

    • Topic name: objects

    • Partitions: 1

    • Replicas: 3 (default)_

Great, your topics should have this same configuration (with the exception of the topic name):

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When you’re done, you should have three topics listed, images, objects, and notebook-test. You can view this by selecting the Web Terminal at the top-right of the OpenShift Console, and running the command oc get kafkatopics.

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