Welcome to Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security Workshop


Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes (Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security or RHACS) provides the tools and capabilities to address the security needs of a cloud-native development approach on Kubernetes.

The RHACS solution offers visibility into the security of your cluster, vulnerability management, and security compliance through auditing, network segmentation awareness and configuration, security risk profiling, security-related configuration management, threat detection, and incident response. In addition, RHACS grants an ability to pull the actions from that tooling deep into the application code development process through APIs.

These security features represent the primary work any developer or administrator faces as they work across a range of environments, including multiple datacenters, private clouds, or public clouds that run Kubernetes clusters.

This workshop is based on RHACS 4.x and at this moment the ACS cloud service it is not covered.

RHACS Features

RHACS Features

Using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes (Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security), you can gain comprehensive Kubernetes security that includes the following use cases:

  • Visibility: See your entire landscape of images, registries, containers, deployments, and runtime behavior.

  • Vulnerability Management: Identify and remediate vulnerabilities in both container images and Kubernetes across the entire software development life cycle.

  • Compliance: Audit your systems against CIS Benchmarks, NIST, PCI, and HIPAA, with interactive dashboards and one-click audit reports.

  • Network Segmentation: Visualize existing connections and enforce tighter segmentation using Kubernetes-native controls to reduce your blast radius.

  • Risk Profiling: See all your deployments ranked by risk level, using context from Kubernetes’ declarative data, to prioritize remediation.

  • Configuration Management: Apply best practices for Docker and Kubernetes to harden your environment for a more secure and stable application.

  • Threat Detection: Use rules, automated allow lists, and baselining to accurately identify suspicious activity in your running applications.

  • Incident Response: Take action, from failing builds and blocking deployments to killing pods and thwarting attacks, using Kubernetes for enforcement.

This is not an official RH Advanced Cluster Security guide or workshop. Please contact with your RH representative if you want more information about Training or Guidelines about this topic / product.


This workshop has been developed and is maintained by Roberto Carratalá, Jose Angel de Bustos and Jose Antonio Gonzalez Prada.

Thanks all the contributors that reviewed and contributed to this workshop!!