RHACS DevSecOps Pipelines

Integrate Openshift Pipelines with RHACS

Installing RHACS DevSecOps Pipeline

Based in DevSecOps Pipeline Repo we will deploy in our Openshift cluster a full DevSecOps pipeline example to see the integration of RHACS to a CICD Pipeline.


Download the demo and install the prereqs:

git clone https://github.com/rcarrata/devsecops-demo.git
ansible-galaxy collection install community.kubernetes
cd devsecops-demo

Install the demo in Stackrox:

git clone https://github.com/rcarrata/devsecops-demo.git
ansible-galaxy collection install community.kubernetes
cd devsecops-demo

Check the status of the devsecops pipelines demo:


Running the demo of DevSecOps Pipeline

Run the demo with:

./demo.sh start

Go to the namespace of cicd and check the Pipelines resources with the PipelineRun like the following:


For more information check the original repo or the Security Lab guide that have all the details and caveats.