Authorization Policy

Before Start

You should have NO virtualservice nor destinationrule (in tutorial namespace) kubectl get virtualservice kubectl get destinationrule if so run:

./scripts/ tutorial

This section requires mutual TLS enabled because the following examples use principal in the policies. This is enabled by default, so you should not do anything special.

The Authorization Policy rules take some time to be applied and reflected. Be patient here!

Authorization Policies

We’ll create an authorization path that will only allow the following communication path: customer → preference → recommendation. Any other path will result to a 403 forbidden HTTP error.

Deny All

Let’s start by denying any request that occurs on our application:

kubectl apply -f istiofiles/authorization-policy-deny-all.yaml -n tutorial

Then if you do:

curl $GATEWAY_URL/customer
RBAC: access denied

Of course any interaction is forbidden.

Allow Customer

Let’s permit the interaction to customer service:

Then if you do:

curl $GATEWAY_URL/customer
customer => Error: 403 - RBAC: access denied

Now customer is reached but not preference.

Allow Preference

Let’s permit it:

Then if you do:

curl $GATEWAY_URL/customer
customer => Error: 503 - preference => Error: 403 - RBAC: access denied

The preference service is accessed but not the recommendation one.

Allow Recommendation

Let’s end up by allowing all the path:

Then if you do:

curl $GATEWAY_URL/customer
customer => preference => recommendation v1 from 'recommendation-v1-656788f945-9srp8': 12

Validate Other Paths

Now let’s assume that someone gets access to recommendation service:

kubectl exec -it -n tutorial $(kubectl get pods -n tutorial|grep recommendation|awk '{ print $1 }'|head -1) -c recommendation /bin/bash

You will be inside the application container of recommendation pod. Now execute:

curl preference:8080
RBAC: access denied

So you can see that preference service can only be accessed by customer service and not any other service such as recommendation.

Clean up
