Deploy Microservices

This section guides you through the deployment of the three microservices used throughout the tutorial.

Each of the microservice is will be deployed into the tutorial namespace, and is managed using a Deployment that is annotated with: "true"

This annotation, combined with the fact that the tutorial namespace is part of the mesh (thanks to the ServiceMeshMemberRoll created in the Setup section) means that each microservice has an associated Istio "sidecar" to manage traffic as illustrated below. Read the Istio documentation to learn more about the traffic management and sidecar (Envoy-based) proxies.

architecture basic

Verify Login, Namespace, and Tutorial Files

  • Minikube

  • OpenShift (Web Terminal)

  • OpenShift (Local Terminal)

Make sure you are logged in

kubectl config current-context

and you have setup the project/namespace

kubectl create namespace tutorial
kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=tutorial

Make sure istioctl is in your PATH:

istioctl version
client version: 1.9.4
control plane version: 1.9.4
data plane version: 1.9.4 (2 proxies)

If you installed the OpenShift Web Terminal during the Setup & Installation, refresh the OpenShift Web Console and start a Web Terminal using the terminal icon in the top-right.

OpenShift Web Terminal

The terminal session is pre-configured with a ~/.kube/config file. This means oc and kubectl are already logged in. Confirm this by running:

oc whoami

This command will print your username. You can use kubectl to verify this too:

kubectl config current-context

Execute the following command to create the tutorial namespace and set it as the current context:

oc new-project tutorial ; oc project tutorial

Before we start setting up the environment, let’s clone the tutorial sources and set the TUTORIAL_HOME environment variable to point to the root directory of the tutorial:

export TUTORIAL_HOME="$(pwd)/istio-tutorial"
The OpenShift Web Terminal is not a persistent environment. The istio-tutorial folder, TUTORIAL_HOME, and set environment variables will be lost if the OpenShift Web Terminal is closed or idled after a few minutes of inactivity. Return to this section and run the git clone, export, and cd commands again if necessary to reconfigure a Web Terminal session.
  1. Download the OpenShift CLI (oc) from the help menu using (? icon) in the top-right of the OpenShift Web Console, and take note of the Copy login command link.

    OpenShift Help and Login Command

  2. Unzip the CLI and add it to your PATH.

  3. Login via the CLI by pasting the value of the Copy login command into your terminal.

    Using OpenShift CLI and kubectl locally

  4. Execute the following command to create the tutorial namespace and set it as the current context:

    oc new-project tutorial ; oc project tutorial

Before we start setting up the environment, let’s clone the tutorial sources and set the TUTORIAL_HOME environment variable to point to the root directory of the tutorial:

export TUTORIAL_HOME="$(pwd)/istio-tutorial"

Deploy the Customer Service

You will deploy container images that were previously built for this tutorial. It’s possible to deploy your own version of these images.

If you want to build and deploy custom container images for this service using Quarkus click here. If you’d prefer to use Spring Boot click here.

If you choose to build custom versions of the container images, don’t forget to modify the image in the Deployment.yml files referenced in subsequent steps.

Deploy the customer application using the YAML files provided in the tutorial content:

  • Minikube

  • OpenShift

kubectl apply -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f customer/kubernetes/Deployment.yml) -n tutorial
kubectl create -f customer/kubernetes/Service.yml -n tutorial
kubectl get pods -w -n tutorial
  1. Deploy the customer application using the Deployment.yml. This Deployment has the "true" annotation, which means Istio will inject a sidecar container to manage network traffic:

    kubectl apply -f customer/kubernetes/Deployment.yml -n tutorial
  2. Create a Service so the customer application Pods have a stable DNS entry on the cluster:

    kubectl create -f customer/kubernetes/Service.yml -n tutorial
  3. Verify that the customer application Pod has started and all containers are reporting READY:

    kubectl get pods -w -n tutorial

The output from the get pods command will eventually show that 2/2 containers are in the READY status like so:

NAME                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
customer-5f5d9f8767-dmc4f   2/2     Running   0          5m24s

Press Ctrl+C to exit the watch (-w) command when all containers are reporting READY.

The spec.replicas for in the Deployment.yml is set to 1, so why is does the get pods command specify that 2 of 2 containers are ready? The reason is that Istio injected the sidecar container that will be used to manage network traffic!

You can use kubectl describe pods -n tutorial to inspect the customer application’s Pod and see the Istio annotations and that a second container was automatically added to the Pod spec by the Istio operator.

Configure Ingress for the Customer Service

Since the customer service is the one our users will interact with, let’s create a Gateway and VirtualService that will enable us to direct incoming traffic to the application.

The Gateway resource configures a load balancer at the edge of the mesh to receive incoming TCP/HTTP traffic. The VirtualService will define traffic routing rules to send traffic matching specific URL patterns to the customer service.

architecture basic gateway virtualservice

Deploy the Gateway and VirtualService using the following command:

kubectl create -f customer/kubernetes/Gateway.yml -n tutorial

The Gateway and VirtualService are logical constructs that are used to configure Istio traffic management. All traffic into the mesh will come via the istio-ingressgateway deployed in the istio-system namespace. Use the following command to confirm the istio-ingressgateway components are deployed:

kubectl get all -l app=istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system

The output of the above command will differ slightly between Minikube and OpenShift:

  • Minikube

  • OpenShift

istio-ingressgateway   LoadBalancer   <pending>     15020:31582/TCP,80:31380/TCP,443:31390/TCP,31400:31400/TCP,15029:30818/TCP,15030:32542/TCP,15031:30106/TCP,15032:32284/TCP,15443:31080/TCP   19m
NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/istio-ingressgateway-6f7f4b8778-7s7zg   1/1     Running   0          175m

NAME                           TYPE        CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                    AGE
service/istio-ingressgateway   ClusterIP   <none>        15021/TCP,80/TCP,443/TCP   175m

NAME                                   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/istio-ingressgateway   1/1     1            1           175m

NAME                                              DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/istio-ingressgateway-6f7f4b8778   1         1         1       175m

NAME                                            HOST/PORT                                            PATH   SERVICES               PORT   TERMINATION   WILDCARD   istio-ingressgateway-istio-system.apps-crc.testing          istio-ingressgateway   8080                 None

Validate Ingress

Confirm that traffic ingress and routing using the VirtualService is working by making a HTTP request to the customer application.

Get the Ingress URL

Obtain the ingress URL and store it in a GATEWAY_URL variable in your terminal:

  • Minikube

  • OpenShift

export INGRESS_HOST=$(minikube ip -p istio-devnation)
export INGRESS_PORT=$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("http2")].nodePort}')

export GATEWAY_URL=$(kubectl get route istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system -o=jsonpath="{}")
The GATEWAY_URL is used frequently throughout this guide. If you lose it, come back here to obtain it again. Use the command echo $GATEWAY_URL to print the URL.

Test the Ingress using cURL

Test the customer endpoint using cURL:

curl $GATEWAY_URL/customer

The following response should be returned. The UnknownHostException is included in the response because the preference and recommendation applications are not deployed yet.

customer => UnknownHostException: preference

Review the Customer Application Logs

This command returns logs from the customer container, but not the istio-proxy sidecar container in the Pod:

kubectl logs \
$(kubectl get pods -n tutorial |grep customer|awk '{ print $1 }'|head -1) \
-c customer -n tutorial

A stacktrace containing the UnknownHostException reported by the cURL command should be visible in the logs:

customer-6fc99b7bfd-5st28 customer Caused by: preference

Deploy the Preference Service

You will deploy container images that were previously built for this tutorial. It’s possible to deploy your own version of these images.

If you want to build and deploy custom container images for this service using Quarkus click here. If you’d prefer to use Spring Boot click here.

If you choose to build custom versions of the container images, don’t forget to modify the image in the Deployment.yml files referenced in subsequent steps.

Apply the Preference Service Resources

  • Minikube

  • OpenShift

kubectl apply -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f preference/kubernetes/Deployment.yml) -n tutorial
kubectl create -f preference/kubernetes/Service.yml -n tutorial

The deployment process for the preference application is the same as the deployment process for the customer application. The preference Deployment.yml is also annotated with "true".

  1. Deploy the preference application using the Deployment.yml:

    kubectl apply -f preference/kubernetes/Deployment.yml -n tutorial
  2. Create a Service so the preference application has a stable DNS entry:

    kubectl create -f preference/kubernetes/Service.yml -n tutorial

Verify that the preference application Pod has started. Press Ctrl+C to exit the watch (-w) command when all containers are reporting READY:

kubectl get pods -w -n tutorial

Validate Preference Service Connectivity

Now that the preference service is deployed the customer service should return a different response to incoming HTTP requests. Verify this using cURL:

curl $GATEWAY_URL/customer

The response still reports an UnknownHostException, but this time it’s for the recommendation service. This is because the recommendation service is not yet deployed.

customer => Error: 503 - preference => UnknownHostException: recommendation

Review the Preference Application Logs

kubectl logs \
$(kubectl get pods -n tutorial |grep preference|awk '{ print $1 }'|head -1) \
-c preference -n tutorial

A stacktrace containing the UnknownHostException reported by the cURL command should be visible in the logs:

preference-v1-898764bdb-hz7s6 preference Caused by: recommendation

Deploy the Recommendation Service

You will deploy container images that were previously built for this tutorial. It’s possible to deploy your own version of these images.

If you want to build and deploy custom container images for this service using Quarkus click here. If you’d prefer to use Spring Boot click here.

If you choose to build custom versions of the container images, don’t forget to modify the image in the Deployment.yml files referenced in subsequent steps.

Apply the Recommendation Service Resources

  • Minikube

  • OpenShift

kubectl apply -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f recommendation/kubernetes/Deployment.yml) -n tutorial
kubectl create -f recommendation/kubernetes/Service.yml -n tutorial

The deployment process for the recommendation application is the same as the deployment process for the customer application. The recommendation Deployment.yml is also annotated with "true".

  1. Deploy the recommendation application using the Deployment.yml:

    kubectl apply -f recommendation/kubernetes/Deployment.yml -n tutorial
  2. Create a Service so the recommendation application has a stable DNS entry:

    kubectl create -f recommendation/kubernetes/Service.yml -n tutorial

Verify that the recommendation application Pod has started. Press Ctrl+C to exit the watch (-w) command when all containers are reporting READY:

kubectl get pods -w -n tutorial

Validate Recommendation Service Connectivity

Now that the recommendation service is deployed the customer service should return a different response to incoming HTTP requests. Verify this using cURL:

curl $GATEWAY_URL/customer

The response will contain no errors, since the end-to-end flow of services has been deployed.

customer => preference => recommendation v1 from 'recommendation-v1-6cf5ff55d9-7zbj8': 1

Review the Recommendation Application Logs

kubectl logs \
$(kubectl get pods -n tutorial |grep recommendation|awk '{ print $1 }'|head -1) \
-c recommendation -n tutorial

No errors should be reported in the logs. Instead you will see an incrementing counter:

recommendation request from recommendation-v1-6c75fc9857-d4npl: 1

Updating & Redeploying

This section is optional. Feel free to move on to the Observability section of this guide.

When you wish to change code (e.g. editing the .java files) and wish to "redeploy", simply:

cd {servicename}/java/{quarkus|springboot|vertx}
vi src/main/java/com/redhat/developer/demos/{servicename}/{Servicename}{Controller|Verticle}.java

Make your changes, save it and then:

mvn clean package
docker build -t example/{servicename}:v1 .
kubectl get pods -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}' -l app={servicename}
kubectl get pods -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}' -l app={servicename},version=v1
kubectl delete pod -l app={servicename},version=v1 -n tutorial

Why the delete pod?

Based on the Deployment configuration, Kubernetes/OpenShift will recreate the pod, based on the new docker image as it attempts to keep the desired replicas available

kubectl describe deployment {servicename} -n tutorial{namespace-suffix} | grep Replicas