

To run this deep dive you need an OpenShift cluster with OpenShift AI installed. There is one free public cloud cluster named Red Hat Sandbox with OpenShift AI installed.

Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift is a free Kubernetes cloud environment in a shared, multi-tenant OpenShift cluster that is pre-configured with a set of developer tools. The Developer Sandbox is active for 30 days and renewable once it expires.

To create your account, register to Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift. From there, click on the red button that says Start your sandbox for free as shown in the following image.

Developer Sandbox Sign-up Page

Use your existing Red Hat account or create a new one, then follow the instructions on the screen. You should then be redirected to the Developer Sandbox page again, but this time, you should see a button labelled Start using your sandbox.

Developer Sandbox Start Page

If the following screen is shown select the Red Hat OpenShift option:

Developer Sandbox Console

Clicking on it opens up the OpenShift login screen where you can log in using the DevSandbox button, as seen below.

Log in the Developer Sandbox

Clicking this button opens up your new OpenShift cluster console.

Topology View
Quotas and Limits

Your private OpenShift environment on Developer Sandbox includes quotas and limits of:

  • 7 GB RAM

  • 15GB storage

which is enough to run this workshop.

There are one fixed project (namespace):

  • <your_username>-dev

Please work in the <your_username>-dev project.

Also, you need to download oc CLI which is a kubectl wrapper for OpenShift.

Click on the question mark ? button, select Command Line Tools:

Download CLI

And finally download the oc CLI for your platform:

Download CLI

With oc downloaded and installed, it’s time to login to the cluster, click on your username select Copy Login command, and paste it to a terminal window:

Login To Cluster

After that, you can start using the cluster either with oc or kubectl CLI.

Get tutorial sources

Before we start setting up the environment, let’s clone the tutorial sources and set the TUTORIAL_HOME environment variable to point to the root directory of the tutorial:

export TUTORIAL_HOME="$(pwd)/deep_dive"