Welcome to Outer Loop Workshop

Ready to become a Cloud Native Developer?

This immersive workshop will put you in the Cloud Native world as a Developer: Promote applications to the different environments (QA, staging and production) on OpenShift using rich and advanced development services.

Developer Outer Loop

The goal of this hands-workshop is to provide a Developer Experience through the Outer Loop using Cloud Native Technologies.

To be a part of this journey, all you need is bring your modern web browser. Everything else is running on the Cloud, on OpenShift.

Session Summary

Looking at the Developer Outer Loop you will build and deploy simple microservices to OpenShift.

Explore Pipelines and GitOps with Tekton and ArgoCD.

Finally use the observability of Service Mesh to monitor application network activity.


A Developer, Architect, DevOps, or manager wishing to learn about the Cloud Native development with OpenShift.




3.5 hour

Developers that want to learn OpenShift and Kubernetes

Basic experience of development and deployment on Kubernetes such as the Inner Loop Workshop