
Let’s take a look at how to enable communication of the container to the outside world by exposing and mapping ports.

Exposing ports

The application running inside your container can be accessed through the port 8080, so let’s try it:

curl localhost:8080/hello

You should have gotten this output:

curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 8080: Connection refused

This is happening because we need to explicitly expose the ports you need, and we didn’t do it so far. So let’s fix it.

First let’s remove the container:

docker rm -f my-container

Did you see something different?

We used the -f flag to force the removal of the container even if it’s running. Be careful when using it!

Now we re-create the container, but exposing the port 8080:

docker run -d --name my-container -p 8080:8080 my-image

Let’s try to reach the application again:

curl localhost:8080/hello

You now got this output:


Meaning that your application is now accessible.