Images Management

An image can be used to create and run containers. It is like a template, containing instructions on how to build the container. Images are the starting point for any container related activity, and can be thought of as a snapshot in a virtual machine (VM) environment.

Building an image based on a Dockerfile

With the Dockerfile that we created in the last step, let’s build a container image:

docker build -t my-image .

You’ll see an output like this:

Sending build context to Docker daemon  10.95MB
Step 1/4 : FROM
latest: Pulling from ubi8/openjdk-11
396754cf27f9: Pull complete
41e1474940d5: Pull complete
fe52369f78c0: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:98c69a5b81bca0fe331100390c7357c69fd137e8a6228300eda820a0893a1be0
Status: Downloaded newer image for
 ---> e502114b0d20
Step 2/4 : ADD target/lib/* /deployments/lib/
 ---> 47e879f30cec
Step 3/4 : ADD target/*-runner.jar /deployments/app.jar
 ---> 393bbade30ae
Step 4/4 : CMD ["java", "-jar", "/deployments/app.jar"]
 ---> Running in d09c7708954d
Removing intermediate container d09c7708954d
 ---> 87776d35fc85
Successfully built 87776d35fc85
Successfully tagged my-image:latest

Listing the available images

To see your just created image, just run:

docker image list

You’ll see at least these two outputs:

REPOSITORY                                   TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
my-image                                     latest              87776d35fc85        4 minutes ago       516MB   latest              e502114b0d20        2 months ago        505MB

Your image is the my-image and the is the image used to build yours.

Removing images

To remove your just created image:

docker image rm my-image