
Using Credentials

At many cases when running workshops, it might be required that we may need to pass username and password that needs to be updated in the instructions.

The courseware UI is built in to handle the query parameters passed as USER and PASSWORD to be automatically replaced in the documentation.

For the replacement to happen the content documentation should have the following tokens:



Hello %USER% your password is %PASSWORD%

If you have open the url, you will see the same page with tokens replaced.

VSCode Snippets

To aid easier development with tools like Visual Studio Code, the course template repository provides you with a snippets that can be added to vscode, to allow quick inserts of commonly used snippets.

Another handy plugin is asciidoctor-vscode

Web Terminal

In order to conveniently provide all of the CLI tools needed for an individual to go through a course, a web-based terminal container image is available. This container image is based on TTYD, and we are maintaining our own derivative.

Each course should provide a set of instructions for how to deploy the web-based terminal into the cluster. If you have a specific set of tools that is not provided in the base TTYD image that Red Hat Scholars provides, you should create a derivative image with your tools and make it available in the Red Hat Scholars Quay organization with a name that matches your course’s ID.