Helm Chart as Operator

Scaffold the new operator

create a new directory on your machine, for instance : $HOME/vis-helm

operator-sdk init --domain com.redhat --plugins helm

Generate an API

Le’s create an API for our operator :

operator-sdk create api --group operators --version v1 --kind VisitorSite

Copy Helm Chart sample

In your new project you have a folder : helm-charts/visitorsite , delete the content and replace it with the content from $TUTORIAL_HOME/apps/helm

Run your operator locally

Be sure to be connected to a Kubernetes cluster and then run

make install run

Apply a Custom Resource

You can now apply a custom resource

apiVersion: operators.com.redhat/v1
kind: VisitorSite
  name: visitorsite-sample
    size: 1
    title: Operator Deployed Visitors Site
kubectl apply -f $TUTORIAL_HOME/apps/cr/visitorsite-helm.yml

Check the pods getting created :

kubectl get pods

NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE

mysql-86c559bb7f-kjjvt               1/1     Running   0          28h

visitors-backend-7489bb97dd-wggkt    1/1     Running   0          28h

visitors-frontend-86df47fffc-d2bgl   1/1     Running   0          28h