GitHub Actions with OpenShift

OpenShift includes comprehensive features for automation in-cluster as seen in Webhooks with OpenShift and as you will see in the next chapter Continuous Integration and Pipelines. In addition to that, it provides great interoperability and integrations for external CI/CD systems such as Jenkins, GitLab, Azure DevOps and GitHub Actions.

OpenShift CI/CD Offering

GitHub Actions are event-driven automation tasks available for any GitHub repository. An event automatically triggers the workflow, which contains a job. The job then uses steps to control the order in which actions are run. These actions are the commands that automate software build, test and deploy.

In this chapter, you will add a GitHub Action for building the Nationalparks backend container image, and pushing it to the GitHub Container Registry. Any change to your fork will trigger the container image build and push outside OpenShift this time, and this will be used afterwards to deploy the new container image to OpenShift.

Disable GitHub Webhook

In the previous chapter we also used Webhooks to trigger the container image build and deploy through the BuildConfig automation. At this point, we need to disable or cancel it because we will use GitHub Actions for that.

Come back to your Nationalparks fork page on GitHub. From top-right menu, click Settings. Then from result left-side menu, click Webhook, then click Delete next to your previously created Webhook.

You can also just disable it, by clicking on Edit and then navigate to the bottom of the section to uncheck Active box.

Disable OpenShift Triggers

As we discussed in the previous chapter, OpenShift provides in-cluster automation out the box with Webhooks and BuildConfigs. Because now we want to delegate this automation externally to GitHub Actions, we need to disable such triggers for the Nationalparks Deployment with this command:

oc annotate deployment nationalparks
oc annotate deployment nationalparks

Configure GitHub Action

GitHub Actions workflows run into Environments and they can reference an environment to use the environment’s protection rules and secrets.

In this step, you will add a new Environment named development.

From your previously forked Nationalparks repository on GitHub, go to the top-right menu, click Settings. Then from result left-side menu, click Environments, then from right side click New environment.


In the following window, insert into Name the name of the GitHub Environment that will be used by the Action:


Click Configure Environment to create it.

Add Environment

In the result screen from your just created GitHub Environment development, you will see all details of the newly created Enviroment. Navigate to the bottom of section, go to Environment secrets and click Add Secret to add new secrets.

Add Environment Secrets

You will now configure two secrets that will be used by the GitHub Action to connect to your OpenShift clusters.

  • OPENSHIFT_SERVER: The OpenShift API server

  • OPENSHIFT_TOKEN: The authentication token to connect with

You can retrieve both from your OpenShift cluster as shown in previous chapter: Connect to the OpenShift Cluster from CLI:

In another tab, go back to OpenShift Web Console. Then go to top-right menu bar and click to the dropdown menu containing your username, then click Copy Login Command:

Copy Login Command

Click on Display Token.

Copy your OPENSHIFT_SERVER as shown in the image below, in the Log in with this token section (e.g.

Copy your OPENSHIFT_TOKEN as shown in the image below, in the Your API token is section (e.g. sha256~IJlITptYEdthK-…​…​)


Add both OPENSHIFT_SERVER and OPENSHIFT_TOKEN with the values you just copied:

Add Secret

Click Add Secret to add one and repeat for the other.

Your Environment screen should be similar to the following:

Added Environment Secrets

Add GitHub Action

Everything is now ready to start your automation with GitHub Action and OpenShift. GitHub actions workflows and jobs are defined with a YAML file containing all the needed steps.

Review the follow workflow that will be used to trigger build of the Nationalparks backend on GitHub, and then deploy it to OpenShift referencing container image from the already created Deployment nationalparks.

Copy the YAML file to be added in your Nationalparks fork repository on GitHub.

  • Java

  • .NET

  • Javascript

  • Python

name: OpenShift (1)

env: (2)
  IMAGE_REGISTRY:${{ github.repository_owner }}
  REGISTRY_PASSWORD: ${{ github.token }}
  APP_NAME: nationalparks
  IMAGE_TAGS: latest ${{ github.sha }}


  APP_PORT: "8080"

  push: (3)
    branches: [ master ]

  build-and-push: (4)
    name: Build and push to github container registry
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
    environment: development

        ROUTE: ${{ steps.deploy-and-expose.outputs.route }}
        SELECTOR: ${{ steps.deploy-and-expose.outputs.selector }}

    - name: Checkout
      id: checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - name: S2I Build (5)
      id: build_image
      uses: redhat-actions/s2i-build@v2
        path_context: '.'
        builder_image: ''
        image: ${{ env.APP_NAME }}
        tags: ${{ env.IMAGE_TAGS }}

    - name: Push to Registry (6)
      id: push-to-registry
      uses: redhat-actions/push-to-registry@v2
        image: ${{ steps.build_image.outputs.image }}
        tags: ${{ steps.build_image.outputs.tags }}
        registry: ${{ env.IMAGE_REGISTRY }}
        username: ${{ env.REGISTRY_USER }}
        password: ${{ env.REGISTRY_PASSWORD }}

    # The path the image was pushed to is now stored in ${{ steps.push-to-registry.outputs.registry-path }}

    - name: Log in to OpenShift (7)
      uses: redhat-actions/oc-login@v1
        openshift_server_url: ${{ env.OPENSHIFT_SERVER }}
        openshift_token: ${{ env.OPENSHIFT_TOKEN }}
        insecure_skip_tls_verify: true
        namespace: ${{ env.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE }}

    # Run a script to create a new app or update the current one with the previously pushed container image
    - run: | (8)
         "${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/.github/" ${{ env.APP_NAME }} ${{ env.IMAGE_REGISTRY }}/${{ steps.build_image.outputs.image }}:${{ github.sha }} ${{ env.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE }}
name: OpenShift (1)

env: (2)
  IMAGE_REGISTRY:${{ github.repository_owner }}
  REGISTRY_PASSWORD: ${{ github.token }}
  APP_NAME: nationalparks
  IMAGE_TAGS: latest ${{ github.sha }}


  APP_PORT: "8080"

  push: (3)
    branches: [ master ]

  build-and-push: (4)
    name: Build and push to github container registry
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
    environment: development

        ROUTE: ${{ steps.deploy-and-expose.outputs.route }}
        SELECTOR: ${{ steps.deploy-and-expose.outputs.selector }}

    - name: Checkout
      id: checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - name: S2I Build (5)
      id: build_image
      uses: redhat-actions/s2i-build@v2
        path_context: '.'
        builder_image: ''
        image: ${{ env.APP_NAME }}
        tags: ${{ env.IMAGE_TAGS }}

    - name: Push to Registry (6)
      id: push-to-registry
      uses: redhat-actions/push-to-registry@v2
        image: ${{ steps.build_image.outputs.image }}
        tags: ${{ steps.build_image.outputs.tags }}
        registry: ${{ env.IMAGE_REGISTRY }}
        username: ${{ env.REGISTRY_USER }}
        password: ${{ env.REGISTRY_PASSWORD }}

    # The path the image was pushed to is now stored in ${{ steps.push-to-registry.outputs.registry-path }}

    - name: Log in to OpenShift (7)
      uses: redhat-actions/oc-login@v1
        openshift_server_url: ${{ env.OPENSHIFT_SERVER }}
        openshift_token: ${{ env.OPENSHIFT_TOKEN }}
        insecure_skip_tls_verify: true
        namespace: ${{ env.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE }}

    # Run a script to create a new app or update the current one with the previously pushed container image
    - run: | (8)
         "${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/.github/" ${{ env.APP_NAME }} ${{ env.IMAGE_REGISTRY }}/${{ steps.build_image.outputs.image }}:${{ github.sha }} ${{ env.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE }}
name: OpenShift (1)

env: (2)
  IMAGE_REGISTRY:${{ github.repository_owner }}
  REGISTRY_PASSWORD: ${{ github.token }}
  APP_NAME: nationalparks
  IMAGE_TAGS: latest ${{ github.sha }}


  APP_PORT: "8080"

  push: (3)
    branches: [ master ]

  build-and-push: (4)
    name: Build and push to github container registry
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
    environment: development

        ROUTE: ${{ steps.deploy-and-expose.outputs.route }}
        SELECTOR: ${{ steps.deploy-and-expose.outputs.selector }}

    - name: Checkout
      id: checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - name: S2I Build (5)
      id: build_image
      uses: redhat-actions/s2i-build@v2
        path_context: '.'
        builder_image: ''
        image: ${{ env.APP_NAME }}
        tags: ${{ env.IMAGE_TAGS }}

    - name: Push to Registry (6)
      id: push-to-registry
      uses: redhat-actions/push-to-registry@v2
        image: ${{ steps.build_image.outputs.image }}
        tags: ${{ steps.build_image.outputs.tags }}
        registry: ${{ env.IMAGE_REGISTRY }}
        username: ${{ env.REGISTRY_USER }}
        password: ${{ env.REGISTRY_PASSWORD }}

    # The path the image was pushed to is now stored in ${{ steps.push-to-registry.outputs.registry-path }}

    - name: Log in to OpenShift (7)
      uses: redhat-actions/oc-login@v1
        openshift_server_url: ${{ env.OPENSHIFT_SERVER }}
        openshift_token: ${{ env.OPENSHIFT_TOKEN }}
        insecure_skip_tls_verify: true
        namespace: ${{ env.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE }}

    # Run a script to create a new app or update the current one with the previously pushed container image
    - run: | (8)
         "${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/.github/" ${{ env.APP_NAME }} ${{ env.IMAGE_REGISTRY }}/${{ steps.build_image.outputs.image }}:${{ github.sha }} ${{ env.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE }}
name: OpenShift (1)

env: (2)
  IMAGE_REGISTRY:${{ github.repository_owner }}
  REGISTRY_PASSWORD: ${{ github.token }}
  APP_NAME: nationalparks
  IMAGE_TAGS: latest ${{ github.sha }}


  APP_PORT: "8080"

  push: (3)
    branches: [ master ]

  build-and-push: (4)
    name: Build and push to github container registry
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
    environment: development

        ROUTE: ${{ steps.deploy-and-expose.outputs.route }}
        SELECTOR: ${{ steps.deploy-and-expose.outputs.selector }}

    - name: Checkout
      id: checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - name: S2I Build (5)
      id: build_image
      uses: redhat-actions/s2i-build@v2
        path_context: '.'
        builder_image: ''
        image: ${{ env.APP_NAME }}
        tags: ${{ env.IMAGE_TAGS }}

    - name: Push to Registry (6)
      id: push-to-registry
      uses: redhat-actions/push-to-registry@v2
        image: ${{ steps.build_image.outputs.image }}
        tags: ${{ steps.build_image.outputs.tags }}
        registry: ${{ env.IMAGE_REGISTRY }}
        username: ${{ env.REGISTRY_USER }}
        password: ${{ env.REGISTRY_PASSWORD }}

    # The path the image was pushed to is now stored in ${{ steps.push-to-registry.outputs.registry-path }}

    - name: Log in to OpenShift (7)
      uses: redhat-actions/oc-login@v1
        openshift_server_url: ${{ env.OPENSHIFT_SERVER }}
        openshift_token: ${{ env.OPENSHIFT_TOKEN }}
        insecure_skip_tls_verify: true
        namespace: ${{ env.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE }}

    # Run a script to create a new app or update the current one with the previously pushed container image
    - run: | (8)
         "${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/.github/" ${{ env.APP_NAME }} ${{ env.IMAGE_REGISTRY }}/${{ steps.build_image.outputs.image }}:${{ github.sha }} ${{ env.OPENSHIFT_NAMESPACE }}
1 Name of the Action.
2 Environment variables to be used in the workflow. This includes default environment variables and the Secret you added to the Enviroment.
3 Here’s where you define which type of trigger you want for this workflow. In this case, any change to the repository (Push) to the master branch will trigger the action start. Check out the documentation for a full list of triggers that can be used:
4 Name of the job running in this Action. This will use an ubuntu image containing OpenShift CLI oc.
5 S2I action : Red Hat provides a set of already available actions for OpenShift. Similarly to what you implemented in the previous chapters, it will create a container image from the source code thanks to the S2I mechanism.
6 Push to Registry : This action is used to push to the GitHub Registry using built-in credentials available for GitHub repository owners.
7 OC Login: This action is used to login to the OpenShift cluster with the Environment Secrets previously created.
8 Run a script already available in the path for GitHub actions (this was provided to make the flow easier and available with the fork of the repository).

GitHub Actions can invoke script in the path of the workflow. This script will check if the update the image hash into the Nationalpark Deployment with the one created within this job, otherwise if will create a new Deployment if this is not present yet.



deploy=`oc get deployment $app_name`
if [[ "$?" -eq 0 ]]; then
    oc set image deployment/$app_name $app_name=$image
    oc rollout restart deployment/$app_name
    oc new-app $image --name $app_name -n $namespace

From your Nationalparks repository fork on GitHub, go to the top-right menu, click Actions.

Then click to set up a workflow yourself.

Create Workflow

Rename the main.yml example new file to:


Paste the previously copied YAML content into the code text box under Edit new file, replacing the example one.

Click Start Commit. Add a title for your commit and click Commit new file

Create OpenShift Action
If you are not using GitHub web interface, you can just commit and push the YAML content in a new file under this path .github/workflows/openshift.yml.

You can click to your newly created action to gather info about execution and logs as follows:

GitHub Action created
GitHub Action running
GitHub Action logs

If everything is fine, you should see a successful status of your OpenShift GitHub action.

GitHub Action completed

Let’s now verify that the Nationparks deployment is pointing to container image on GitHub Registry.

oc get deployment nationalparks -o=jsonpath='{$.spec.template.spec.containers[:1].image}'

You should have an output similar to the following:

Congratulations! Any new change to the Nationalparks backend will be now managed by GitHub Actions.

If you are interested in bringing more automation to your OpenShift cluster with GitHub actions, please explore all available Red Hat Actions and GitHub Actions documentation.

Your workshop is completed at this point if you are using Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift, since in the following chapters there will be functionalities which are not available yet on Sandbox environments (OpenShift Pipelines Operator).

Enable OpenShift Triggers

If you want to bring back OpenShift automation for this component, you can enable OpenShift triggers again.

Your GitHub Actions won’t work again if you re-enable OpenShift triggers since there would be two automation system on the same component.

In the following labs you will explore more about Kubernetes-native automation in-cluster with OpenShift Pipelines.

In order to keep working with automation in-cluster, we need to enable again the triggers managed by OpenShift for the Nationalparks Deployment, as we disabled them in the first steps of this lab.

oc set triggers deployment nationalparks --from-image=nationalparks:latest --containers=nationalparks

You should see an output as the following:

deployment.apps/nationalparks triggers updated