Workshop Development - Introduction

In this module, we’ll perform a few steps during our development phase of the Vote App deployment.

Development Module Flow

  • We’ll start by running two CI/CD pipelines using Tekton provided by OpenShift Pipelines and afterward enable automation using a git webhook for our pipeline.

  • Next, we will pre-deploy the application to our vote-app-dev-%USERID% environment using Argo CD through OpenShift GitOps.

  • After, we can make changes to the code and push them to the repository using OpenShift Dev Spaces. We’ll see how Tekton automatically detects the changes and triggers a new build.

  • Argo CD will then detect a drift between what is declared in Git and what is available in the cluster, and we’ll manually sync the application.

  • Finally, we will use the OpenShift Web Terminal to manually scale the deployment, as we still need to implement high-availability in the next module.

Next Steps

Great, we’ll be learning a lot through this development module! Let’s begin.